Aluminium and Breast Cancer

Aluminium and Breast Cancer

In the following excerpt of his recent post, Dr. Christopher Exley, eminent researcher (to the point of gaining the title Mr Aluminum in the industry), builds a scientific case tying breast cancer and aluminum, citing work by other noted researchers. In my...

Book Review: Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom

Book Review: Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom

If you think reading about aluminum would be boring, guess again! Professor Exley is a gifted teacher and presents the subject matter in a very readable form. He explains in simple, understandable terms, the science of the effects of aluminum on the human body. He...

Citizens Petition the FDA on Aluminum Adjuvents

Citizens Petition the FDA on Aluminum Adjuvents

In May of 2021, Dr. Christopher Exley petitioned the Department of Health and Human Services of the Food and Drug Administration for administrative action to ensure accurately reported and consistent levels of Aluminum in all vaccines. Download the petition here. Dr....

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